Thursday, 5 August 2010

Paediatrics (and parasites)

Back to hospital after my extended break. I'm now doing paediatrics though so I'm very happy. The doctors are really nice and every day we do a long wardround and see all the patients. It's tough being a child here. What with the crazy transport system, dodgy water and overall poverty it seems that surviving the first few months of childhood are the big test, once you manage that you've toughened up a bit. Most of the children either have breathing problems or vomiting and diarrhoea and there are lots who've had horrible accidents. The doctors do a great job though- the baby who's cousin through a machete at his head is now home after having spent the week running around looking perfectly healthy! Kids are funny because they get so ill but they also bounce back so quickly!
I've discovered a hidden skill. I can make the children here stop crying in shock, and sometimes even laugh when they see me because I look so different and funny in their eyes. The doctors too are always asking me questions about medicine in London. The other day one asked me what parasite we see most of and was shocked when I said we didn't really see many! There are two kids with different ones at the moment so the doctor made me read up on them and tell him about them. I can't pronounce "estrongiloidiasis" very easily though!

In other news the whole hosuehold, me included is a bit ill with stomach bugs. I didn't go into hospital today and the other girls have been off all week. Ernesto's been teasing us that we picked up our own worms in the jungle and is going to give us antibiotics for now and antiparasite drugs for when we leave, just in case! Not the nicest thought!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're feeling better now and glad you're enjoying paediatrics. Lots of love xxx
