Thursday, 12 August 2010

Stories from a small town

Hi, I realised I haven't written for a while but I've sort of settled into a routine so it feels like there's less news. In fact I've just thought of lots of things worth writing about! So here are a few anecdotes:

The hospital's birthday.
Last Tuesday (3rd August) I was in the paediatric ward when I heard a band start playing. I then found out that it was the 20th anniversary of the hospital and so they were celebrating with a march. After wardrounds lots of the staff went outside and proceeded to march through the grounds in groups, each group with a flag saying what medical specialty or other job they did. A man then mentioned each individually and said what a good job they did- everything from gynae oncology to the computer people (although I haven't seen a computer in the hospital so I'm not sure what they do!) It was really impressive actually and very Peruvian- they had so many processions the first week for their Independence Day. They seemed very surprised when I said you'd never get anything similar in London! I wish I'd had my camera.

One of the things that annoys me here is that the doctors almost all overprescribe. I know that infectious diseases are a huge problem but everyone is on antibiotics, and then a whole range of other drugs to combat the side effects of the overly strong treatment. And if any of us get ill they try to make us take 3 or 4 drugs ourselves. It's a culture shared in lots of countries I think but it's a bit worrying.

Animals and earthquakes.
Erin and I went out for a drink last night. There are lots of stray dogs and cats in the town but yesterday we saw a sloth! I've never seen one before, it was really sweet. I'm rather less keen on the insects though as I'm still being biten lots. Last night was particularly bad and people were laughing at me in the hospital today for having so many big red bites. The other excitement was abotu 7 this morning when I woke up and the room was shaking. Apparently earthquakes are hardly ever felt here because all the rivers cushion it or something but this one was quite impressive. It turns out it was in Ecuador in fact but 7 on the Richter scale so quite big.

I'm sure I had more stories but I can't remember any so that will do for now, hasta luego!

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